Sunday, July 7, 2013


GM's,Exes and Owner sorry, you all work extremely hard and do your best to product on the floor, To help your teams get better and become profitable. It's not your fault if some players are only there for a check. I wish all NBA teams well. Now Lakers plan B is to go after @Aljefferson, definitely a better a offensive than Dhow. But, defensively give up some opennings on defense. Al is slow of foot and Don't run the floor well but, plays to win. So he is a good plan b. Now, I don't know if houston is a powerhouse because, there 5 and 4 Spot can't shoot more than 50% from the free throw line. Most likely DHOW Will start and Asik will come off the bench. Shades of chicago. For, DHOW an another bad decision. The offense the @rockets have now look very Similar to Orlando Magic offense during DHOW reign. Parsons=Turkaloo Harden=Jrich or VinCarter,Asik=Brandon Bass or big baby and JLin=JNelson. What a big diffence, lets see something change. DHOW is going to turn Harden into a straight up jumpshooter. But, I wish Houston the best. Hope for a good season.

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